Globalisation Proof of Concept

Published at: 30/04/2024


Globalisation is a term used to describe to increase services across region, or you can say it as international expansion project. Region can be multiple country where we want to deploy. Let's implement this on Laravel Framework where we gonna fully utilise Facades and environment file to distiguish region.

Core folder structure

Let's create a Core folder inside app folder where we can distiguish services class for each region.

|- app
   |- Core
   |   |- Services
   |   |   |- Base
   |   |   |   |- OrderService
   |   |   |   |- ProductService
   |   |   |- MY
   |   |   |   |- OrderService
   |   |   |   |- ProductService
   |   |   |- PH
   |   |       |- OrderService
   |   |       |- ProductService
   |   |- Facades
   |      |- OrderService
   |- Providers
      |- CoreServiceProvider

Service Class

For now we have all services class for two region Malaysia (MY) and Philippines (PH) with a base core services class. Each region services class will enherite base core services class. Take OrderService class as example and we have service tax to calculate from total price of order. By default, the tax we gonna assume is none, the value will be 1.

File: app\Core\Services\Base\OrderService.php

namespace App\Core\Services\Base;

class OrderService {
    public function grandTotal(float $total)
        $tax = $total * $this->tax();

        return $total + $tax;

    public function tax()
        return 1;

However, for Malaysia and Philippines taxes are 6% and 5% respectively. The numbers are not actual but just an example only.

File: app\Core\Services\MY\OrderService.php

namespace App\Core\Services\MY;

use App\Core\Services\Base\OrderService AS BaseManager;

final class OrderService extends BaseManager {
    public function tax()
        return 0.06;

File: app\Core\Services\PH\OrderService.php

namespace App\Core\Services\PH;

use App\Core\Services\Base\OrderService AS BaseManager;

final class OrderService extends BaseManager {
    public function tax()
        return 0.05;


Create a new facade for OrderService class so that we can makes use of the static magic-method to defer calls from this facade to an object resolved from the container. We name this facade accessor as 'Core.OrderService'.

File: app\Core\Facades\OrderService.php

namespace App\Core\Facades;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;

class OrderService extends Facade
     protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
          return 'Core.OrderService';

Service Provider

When we want to use any static method on the OrderService facade, Laravel resolves the cache binding from the service container and runs the requested method. From here we bind the OrderService facade to different region service class based on COUNTRY environment variable. If no country is defined then it will throw Exception.

File: app\Providers\CoreServiceProvider.php

namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use App\Core\Services;

class CoreServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Register any application services.
    public function register(): void
        $this->app->bind('Core.OrderService', function() {
            $country = env('COUNTRY', null);

            return match($country) {
                'MY' => new Services\MY\OrderService(),
                'PH' => new Services\PH\OrderService(),
                default => throw new Exception('Unsupported domain\'s service'),


We can this using Tinkerwell by using the script below and don't forget to run php artisan optimize to cache all services class.

use App\Core\Facades\OrderService;


\\ Output
\\ Malaysia region where we set `COUNTRY=MY` in `.env` file

\\ Philippines region where we set `COUNTRY=PH` in `.env` file

In a nutshell.

If the business logic is the same across region we can put it inside base service class, but only add different configuration or logic inside region service class and this concept rely heavily on services class file. One of my colleague advice that these configuration such as tax amount should be store in database then we cache it, I think that would be great too. What do you think?

See you soon!